Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is composed of volunteers that prepare the altar for each service and keep the sacred vessels and liturgical items in good order. This behind-the-scenes work is essential in maintaining our sanctuary as a beautiful, prayerful space. Duties include: keeping the altar linens, insuring that supplies are kept on hand, preparing the elements of bread and wine for the Eucharist, keeping the candles in good condition, and picking up the altar supplies after the service. This work is open to men and women of all ages as well as teens. Email here to get in touch with Leslie Laskay for information or to volunteer.
Lay Eucharistic Minister
Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest at the altar and are also are allowed to lead prayer for the congregation. Participants are required to study the theology of the Eucharist, to witness a life of prayer, and have a desire to assist others in spiritual growth. Eucharistic Ministers are requested to wear a cassock and surplus, participate in the opening and closing procession, lead the Prayers of the People, and assist the priest with distribution of Holy Communion. This ministry is reserved to confirmed Episcopalians and requires the rector to request our bishop for permission. Women, Men, and Confirmed Youth are encouraged to discern participating in this liturgical role. Contact Reverend Annie if interested.
The ministry of proclaiming the Word of God is a vital role in Sunday Worship. It is the lectors responsibility to bring the written word to life in order for the congregation to hear and digest this sacred gift. All who wish to commit to this ministry must participate in our provided trainings and be open to growth and development. If you would like explore participating in this ministry, email us to be put on our list of readers.
Altar Servers
This ministry is open to men and women, and youth in 5th grade and up. Altar Servers help bring dignity and order to our service in the performance of sacred duties. These ministers are asked to vest in the servers robes and arrive 15 minuets prior to Mass. The servers prepare the sanctuary for mass, participate in the opening and closing procession, help with the offertory, and set a prayerful example for others to follow. All new servers are asked to participate in a provided training. Contact the Reverend Annie if interested.
Flower Guild
The Flower Guild is charged with the duty to prepare altar flowers for our service. Typically we have flowers during the Easter and Christmas seasons. However, flowers are welcomed during all but our penitential Lenten Season. Members of this guild rotate in preparing flowers and help with keeping potted green plants to enhance our worship space. Experience or training is needed to arrange flowers. If you would like to explore helping with this ministry please contact Linda Mathies.
Ministers of Hospitality
We all appreciate a good welcome. The Ministers of Hospitality are the first members of the church that visitors encounter; therefore, those who participate in this ministry need to enjoy welcoming others. The duties include: welcoming visitors, distribution of the service bulletin, providing helpful instructions, assisting those with special needs, passing the collection, and trouble-shooting issues that may arise. All are welcome to participate in this ministry and training will be provided. Contact our Head Usher, Nicco Caridi for more information.
Presenters of the Gifts
All of us have been extremely blessed by God and as believers we are called to daily present these gifts to God and our neighbors. The Eucharistic liturgy celebrates this truth by providing a moment in our mass for representatives from our assembly formally present the bread, wine and offertory collection. All families are invited to participate in this sacred duty. There are three things to carry but larger families can all walk together. Individual members are encouraged to come forward with friends either within our community or others guest that you may invite. (Please notify the ushers at church if you would like to present the gifts.)