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Together New Orleans is a broad-based coalition of congregations and community-based organizations in the greater New Orleans area, with the capacity to address community problems large and small. The coalition is deliberate about crossing the lines of race, religion, neighborhood, and political affiliation. We work on issues affecting families and communities, and we are a strictly non-partisan organization.

 Together New Orleans has three basic goals:

  1. to build relationships across our community based on trust and a willingness to listen to each other, 

  2. to equip our members and leadership with skills and practices to get results, and

  3. to achieve change on concrete issues, as part of our common call to justice.

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church is a member of the Carrollton/St. Charles group.  The meetings are currently on zoom and meet monthly for 90mins.  For more information or to register to participate, contact or contact Ben Dubroc.


Are you seeking comfort and healing after the death of a love one?

The ministry of  Walking the Mourner’s Path seeks to serve individuals who are in grief through a series of Eight Weekly Workshops.

Together in the small group workshops individuals:
– Acknowledge the pain and brokenness
– Recognize that each journey through grief is unique
– Share stories
– Experience both tears and laughter
– Find Healing and Joy

“Together we do what I cannot do alone.”

If you have questions about the program or wish to register for the workshops, please contact:

“Come to me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest”
Matthew 11:28-29


St. Andrew's believes that it is not necessary to always reinvent the wheel. Rather, when someone is doing something well, we are called to work with and support...not always run. This is why we are pleased to support the work of Mt. Zion United Methodist Church's ministry to the hungry. We send a team from St. Andrew's monthly to work and demonstrate God's care for the poor. 

St. Andrew's as a dedicated team of volunteers who make sandwiches for Mt. Zion's ministry on the second Tuesday of every month at 11:30 AM at Chalstrom House.

For more information or to express an interest in joining a ministry team, email Mary Perkins.

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The Episcopal Prison Ministry (Church of the Transfiguration) at the Louisiana State Penitentiary (Angola) is sustained by both lay and ordained volunteers, who visit the prison to conduct worship services, teach classes, and most importantly, to make manifest the love of Christ by reaching out to build relationships and show concern for “the least of these” (Matt 25:40). As many will attest, the ministry that occurs is never unidirectional (i.e. from us to them), but rather, both groups find Christ in the other. In 2002, Episcopal volunteers began leading a Disciples of Christ in Community program (DOCC) at Angola – the first time a DOCC program has been offered to incarcerated persons. Click here for more interest from our diocesan website.

If you are interested in joining the St. Andrew's team, contact Hampton Carver.

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New Orleans Community Fridge is a mutual aid effort that provides a network to empower our neighbors in supporting each other through the offering of free food in Community Fridges. With the presence of Community Fridges, everyone has the opportunity to provide and to receive collective care as we work towards dismantling the systems that oppress us.  No one is fed, until everyone is fed.

NOCF has been adapting existing models, heavily inspired by NYC and Los Angeles, to create networks that specifically support our New Orleans communities.

St. Andrew's is working to keep the fridge at 8511 Hickory stocked. If you are interested in participating, email For more information about this NOCF, click here. We meet at Chalstrom House's kitchen every Monday to prepare meals for delivery to the fridge that day.

"One of the two who heard John the Baptist speak was ANDREW, Simon Peter's brother. He first found his brother and said to him, 'We have found the Messiah' [which is translated Anointed]. He brought him to Jesus."

[John 1:40-42a]

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

Mission Statement

"Living our Baptismal Promises empowered by the Holy Spirit we are a community of faith that boldly professes that Jesus rose from the dead and in his victory we find new life. Sunday after Sunday we gather to celebrate Holy Eucharist and being enriched by the Scriptures, Communion, and Community we are strengthened to go forth and put our faith into action. Bearing the name of ANDREW, our patron we constantly invite others to the joys that we have found and welcome the gifts that others bring to our church to help us grow in diversity, justice and love."

"We are the Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement"

-Most Reverend Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church

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St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

1031 S. Carrollton

New Orleans, LA  70118

(504) 866-0123

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