Welcome to Pack 48 located in New Orleans, LA, chartered by St. Andrew's Episcopal Church and School. Pack 48 (and associated Boy Scout Troop 48) started in 1929 and is the oldest continuously operating pack in New Orleans. Our dens are made up of all boys or all girls at several surrounding schools in addition to St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, including Audubon Charter School, Isidore Newman School, St. George's Episcopal School, Hynes, ISL, MJCS, and Lycee Francais. Each den typically has between 10-15 boys or girls with one den leader and at least 1 assistant leader. Our meetings are generally held at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church parish hall at 8017 Zimple St. (Carrollton Ave. and Zimple Street).
Our goal is to provide an environment for our scouts to grow, learn, make new friends and most of all HAVE FUN!
Contact Rene Ogden at PACK48NOLA.cubmaster@gmail.com
Venture Scouts
Venturing is a Scouting program for young men and women in high school and college, ages 14-21. No previous Scouting experience is needed. Each Venturing Crew sets its own program and plans activities that interest them. The Venturing program was created in 1998 and St. Andrew's Venturing Crew 48 has very experienced adults supervising the program. Crew 48 is affiliated with BSA Troop 48, the oldest Boy Scout Troop in the Southeast Louisiana Council.
Typical Venturing activities include hiking, camping, canoeing, rock climbing, caving, and other outdoor activities. We also do gaming nights, movie nights, and other social activities that appeal to our teen membership. The BSA Venturing program also includes leadership training, event organization experience, and awards programs.
The Crew meets at 5 pm on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at the Chalstrom Parish House, and has weekend activities about once a month. A summer high adventure trip is one of the highlights of our year.
For more information contact Richard & Evelyn Thompson, 504-957-4330; Thompson.ra@gmail.com; or Ian Murphy, 504-451-1258; murphy.ian814@gmail.com.